Monday, October 22, 2007

~How to Compress/Trim your ISO file to make them smaller~

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NOTE: This tutorial will show you how to make your PSP ISO files smaller by using UMDGen v4 to shrink the file into a cso and also removing files you don’t need in the ISO. Pay attention to see what you CAN delete, because if you delete something wrong, your ISO will become useless, until the file is put back. This tutorial will shrink a 1.16 g ISO file into a 519 MB CSO file. Refer to the bottom of the tutorial for known files/folders not to remove… This tutorial will possibly give you a feel of different folders or files that are unnecessary in your ISO.

Things You Need:
1. A PSP ISO File.
2. UMDGen v4 -
3. A Brain.
4. (optional) A GTA: LCS disc, to better follow me in my process of deleting files off the disc.

Step 1: (Preparation)

*Download UMDGen v4 if you don’t already have it. Once it is downloaded, drag your ISO file onto the window, and it will look like this:

*Ok. Here we are with our full ISO file, ready to make it rip files off of it to shrink it as much as possible.

This is a full ISO file at, and it hasn’t been messed with in anyway.

*Actually, you don’t even need half of these files to play the game. Such as the Music files, loading screen pictures, video clips, or different icons, cutscene music. So if you wouldn’t care for any audio, and are possibly playing the game through IR Shell, and listening to music that way, you can delete the whole ‘Audio’ folder.

*It just depends of what files YOU don’t have to have in your ISO.

Step 2: (Useless Stuff)

*First, we will be looking at useless stuff that you simply don’t need in your ISO.

*The first files to get rid of are right at the top. Notice the ‘SYSDIR’ folder, open it up. Inside it has this:
*The ‘UPDATE’ folder is useless, it holds the files that you use to update your PSP to the firmware needed to play the UMD. You can’t even access it through the ISO file so it’s useless. Delete the ‘UPDATE’ folder.

*The next file is the ‘EBOOT.BIN’ file, DON’T MESS WITH THIS FILE. You need it, don’t mess with it.

*The next file is the ‘BOOT.BIN’ file, you don’t need this, I am not too sure what it does, but I’ve played games without it, no problems.

*After that, your ISO has already shrinked from 1.16 g to 810 MB! That’s about 396 MB taken off. And it is still in ISO format!

*Next we are looking at the ‘ANIM’ folder. I do not need this folder, it includes the CUTS.DIR and CUTS.IMG files. These make you able to start a new game with the iso/cso file. I do not need this, however, because i already have savedata of the game and i have no plan on starting a new game. But it is a pretty nice file to delete, i think about 35 MB or so.

*Next the ‘LUASCRIPTS’ folder, I think it is used for hacking online and stuff, but it doesn’t affect your gameplay, other than hacking I guess. With doing that, the ISO file is this big:

*Next is the ‘TEXT’ folder. Depending on whatever language you want, you can delete all the other language .GXT files.

*Next is the ‘TXD’ folder. You can delete that. Your loading screens and stuff might look a little weird at times, but its because the files that make pictures appear and stuff are deleted. So I guess this can be an optional file to delete.

*Once you have all that deleted (including the ‘TXD’ folder), Your ISO file shall now be 744 MB. From a 1.6 g ISO file to a 744 MB ISO file. This cut off about 464 MB from the ISO file.

*Oh yeah, you can delete the ‘ICON1.PMF’ All it does is show clips from the game while you look at the file under the game tab in the memory stick. You can delete it by clicking on the ‘PSP_GAME’ folder, and it will pop up in the window.

*But wait! We still aren’t through, you can look at Step 3 to remove stuff you might want or might not. Move on to Step 4 to convert your ISO file into a CSO file.

Step 3: (Stuff You Might Want)

*The ‘AUDIO’ folder contains different files that represent different parts of the game that have audio. Such as ‘CUTSCENE’ or ‘MUSIC’ if you don’t want audio during the cutscenes or you don’t want to listen to the music off the game.

Step 4: (ISO to CSO Format)

*Now that you have ripped off everything you don’t want and don’t need on your ISO file, it is now to convert the file into .cso format. So what you do now is look at the picture: and go to save and save as .cso. Then name the file to whatever you want. Once you do that, all you have to do is wait for the file to save and convert to .cso. And my GTA LCS .cso file turned out like this:

*So Before and After of this process:

Things Not to Delete:

*The ‘DATA’ folder.

*The ‘MODELS’ folder.

*The ‘PSPHR’ folder with the file: GAME.DTZ.

*The ‘MOVIE’ folder.

*You can delete the 'ANIM' folder with the CUTS.DIR and CUTS.IMG , but it will prevent you from loading the game without a previous savedata file of the game, or start a new game when already in a loaded game. But you can start another LOAD game.


Anonymous said...

Very handy mate! Cheers!

AdventWolf said...

Definitely, I'm always trying to trim my ISO files!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I attempted to do this about a month ago, and when it didn't work I figured it an exercise in futility. Imagine my surprise at finding this!

Anonymous said...

thanks alot bro helped heaps