Tuesday, October 23, 2007

*List of FAQ*

Custom search my site and other psp affiliated sites to find what you're looking for.

What is XMB?

XMB stands for Cross Media Bar, and is a graphical interface that's shaped like a cross. Users of the interface move left and right to select between main category entries, then move up and down to select between sub categories.

On the PSP, the XMB is the main menu of the PSP which includes the ‘PHOTO’, ‘VIDEO’, ‘GAME’, and ‘SETTINGS’ and more.

Can I convert my own videos and play them on the PSP?

Yes, there are several tools to convert videos to the PSP (mp4) format. A couple include PSP Video 9 or media-convert.com. The formats supported by the PSP determine which firmware it has. PSPs out now support AVC and MPEG.

Can I play PlayStation 1 games on my PSP?

In order to play PlayStation 1 games on your PSP, you must be running firmware version 3.00 or above and own a PlayStation 3 in order to download the games from the PlayStation Store. You will a memory stick duo of size 512MB or above in order to download games onto your PSP. Games can be purchased using a PS3 via the PlayStation Store option.

How can I hide corrupted icons from the XMB?

There are two ways to hide corrupted icons on the XMB:

1. Homebrew game made for firmware 1.5 usually causes corrupted icons to appear under the Games Menu. The corrupted icons can be hidden by simply renaming the folders. This can be done by prefixing __SCE__ and %__SCE__ to the two folders. %__SCE__ should only be used for the game folder containing the % sign. Here is an example: We have two folders, iRShell and iRShell%, these should be renamed to __SCE__iRShell and %__SCE__iRShell, respectively.

2. On custom firmware PSPs, there is an option in the recovery mode to hide corrupted icons, enable it.

How do I backup/rip a UMD?

You can use several tools to do this including USB_SSS, UMD Ripping Tool, UMDTool, or UMD Ripper GX.

Refer to my tutorial:

iso-files-of-your.html to use USB_SSS to rip your UMDs.

How do I convert UMD rips to ISO, CSO, or DAX?

There are some UMD converting programs that convert the ISO or CSO or DAX files to one another. One of the most known of these converters is UMDGen. Refer to my tutorial:

to use UMDGen v4.

How do I update my PSP?

There are several ways to update your PSP, please check below:

· Network Update: You can use the PSP's Network Update feature to update your PSP if you have access to a Wi-Fi hotspot (wireless internet connection). The update feature will allow you to download the latest firmware version and update your console.

· Update via PC: If you do not have a wireless internet connection, you can download the update onto your PC and transfer the update file onto your PSP. The updates can be downloaded from Your PSP.

· UMD Update: Some UMD games come with a firmware update installed on the disk. You can update your PSP by accessing the UPDATE feature under the GAME menu on your PSP. Firmware versions vary on the disk depending on how old the game is.

Please note: I do not advise to update your PSP this way, Custom Firmware allows your PSP to do much more and allows you to receive the maximum PSP experience.

What does the Dynamic Normalizer setting do?

The Dynamic Normalizer is an option in the Audio settings on your PSP. It is a feature that provides automatic volume adjustment for playback of music tracks or other audio sources with varying output levels.

What is Bricking? What does it do to the PSP?

Bricking occurs when some code is executed on the PSP that alters the Firmware to an unusable state (i.e. it formats the flash on the PSP). This means that the PSP will not function properly.

What happens of I switch of my PSP or if the battery dies during an update?

This is a sad event that might come about by accident to not too many people. So far I have been lucky enough for it to not happen to me, but if it would happen to you, then your PSP would become bricked. Because when your PSP is experimenting an update, it is writing files to your flash, and if you stop these files from writing completely, then your PSP becomes useless. You can counter this by using Pandora’s Battery to rewrite your PSP to firmware 1.50.

What is a Custom Firmware?

A Custom Firmware is a firmware for the PSP made by someone other than Sony. One of the most famous of making these custom firmwares is Dark_AleX. Some of his Custom Firmwares include 2.71 SE, 3.02 OE, 3.03 OE, 3.40 OE, 3.52 M33, 3.60 M33, or 3.71 M33. Custom Firmwares are advanced firmwares of their Sony-Made counterparts that add extra features and fulfill the maximum PSP experience. Custom Firmwares are without the Sony security features to allow homebrew and other programs such as Emulators for the PS1, NES, GB, N64, Sega, and SNES to play the games on your PSP.

What is Homebrew?

Homebrew is frequent term used in the PSP community to describe “home-made” games that you can play on your PSP.

Can my PSP be used as a Universal Remote?

Yes, there is a Homebrew Application for the PSP called IR Shell. You can put the .rdf codes on the PSP to control different devices. Refer to my tutorial: http://adventpspsite.blogspot.com/2007/10/how-to-
turn-your-psp-into-universal.html to install and use it.

Can I play my PS2 games on PSP?

No, the hardware is not the same, it is not backwards compatible and it does not have built in PS2 emulation.

Will I be able to watch my PSP movies on my TV?

Yes, the new PSP Slims have TV output plugs that can connect to the TV so you can watch your PSP movies on your TV.

Can I try PSP games before I buy them?

Yes, you can go to the Official PSP Website and download game demos to play.

Can I play NES, SNES, Sega, N64 or GB games on my PSP?

Yes, however in order to do this, you need to have a custom firmware installed on your PSP. You then need to download the emulators, then put the game files in the ‘GAME’ or ‘GAME150’, depending on the program or what your kernel is set at. Look at my tutorial section to find out how to do this.

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