NOTE: This is a tutorial to play NES games on your PSP. This program can be run in 3.XX custom firmware and 1.50.
Files You Will Need:
- NesterJ v1.11:
Step 1:
Download the above file and connect your PSP to your computer via USB, and enter ‘USB Mode’.
Step 2:
Open the ‘NesterJ’ folder and inside you will see the ‘NESTERJ’ folder and inside that you will see the ‘SAVE’, ‘STATE’, EOOT.PBP and stuff folders. Open the PSP window on your computer and when in the base of the memory stick, click on ‘PSP’ then ‘GAME’. Put the ‘NESTERJ’ folder in the ‘GAME’ folder and that’s it.
Step 3:
Now, all you need to do is get a ROM file of your favorite Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) game and stick it in the ‘NESTERJ’ folder and you are all set to play. Just exit out of USB mode and go to game and memory stick and the NesterJ v1.11 icon will pop up. Open it and it will lead you to where your game files are, press the ‘O’ option when highlighting the desired game to play it.
If you have any problems just ask, I’ll do my best to help you. If the above link is dead, just ask, and I will re-upload it for you.
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the link you put deosnt work
To NesterJ? I just checked it and its fine.
If you are trying it on 3.XX CW then it won't work. I accidentally put that it would though. I'm sure there is another NES emu outh there.
Is there a NES emu to easily put on a ps3?
Nope, not yet :(.
Thanks for posting this. It was very helpful :)
I'm having some trouble getting the emulator to work on my PSP. I have firmware version 1.5 and did exactly what you told me to do, yet when I choose the emulator on my PSP, it says "ame could not be started". Any ideas why this is happening? Help is much appreciated!
I found out you need to have custom firmware in order to play this. It uses the 1.50 kernel to play I think, but you need cfw.
Do I have to unzip Nester J? Please give me a link 4 the custom firmware please!
thanks for your help for getting me play nes games on my psp.... thanks a lot
can i play nintendo ds games on my psp
Well there is an emulator out there called DeSmuME. I'm not certain of the current release but they are pretty much unpractical to play DS games. It is veeery veeery slow and most games don't even come up.
Hey thanks, really easy to use tutorial and link worked. I hope you do more tutorials in the future.
(Have it running on my 3001 with 5.03 GEN-A)
I might eventually, but it has almost been two years!
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